
From denial I find comfort, warmth, and relaxation. I am stagnant, always fighting the confrontation of what has happened and what needs to happen. There is no silver lining for this cloud. Just a cloud.

Weather Vane
The frigid winter is wrapping up. I feel my feet are pointing me in the right direction, the weather is changing for the better, I'm beginning to quicken my pace, backpack in hand, but yet, I'm still looking back.

I'm still looking back.

Home is where the heart...
My home isn't where it used to be, it isn't there anymore. Not with her, not in that house. It's somewhere out here in the cold, grey, city, covered in fog. Things won't always be this way. I won't always be this way. But the place where my heart was once, is now gone.

Time Bridge
It feels strange being given back a piece of yourself. It's overwhelming when i think of how much I poured myself into those 7 years. That relationship dominated my focus. My time and focus was spent building and growing that relationship with very little overhead. "We" were my priority.

But, with my extra time I can now direct towards the areas lacking in my life (aside that of a healthy relationship). I will progressively become disenchanted with what definitely was a sinking ship. I was always too blind to see it.

Epilogue † Prologue
When I look back I see the remains of a house that once stood. Black ash and rubble, barely smoking. The sky is still dark around the skeletal remains of what might've been a house where i once lived.

But I am not stupid, nor weak, nor poor. I am rich with friends, and drive, and compassion. I am lethargic and shaky from not using my legs in such a long time. I'll grip the straps of my pack and just walk. The walking will hurt as the blood rushes back into my legs, but I realize now how desperately I needed this.

I'm sure.