If Grey Could Cut

So i've been oversleeping. I missed two morning classes within the past two days, and i need to change my sleeping habits.

That show House is slowly sucking more and more time from my day with its sarcastic humor, mystery and drama. ARGH, and i'm still struggling to watch my portion sizes and food intake.

Could be lupus or micro tumors, but that wouldn't explain the liver failure and delusions.

Grey to Gray
My classes aren't hard so there should be no reason to stress. I know its just my lack of sleep working against me. Theres a road trip to look foreward to this weekend and DCFC (oh yes). October's Fall-ing and Cali didn't burn like i hoped it would.

Every day i drive to and from work i always see that "Watch For Wild Animals" sign but even though i watch for them I NEVER SEE THEM. I keep thinking i'll see a rhinocerous something...

(those animals are crazy wild!)