Alkaline Particles

Plus 5
I just got through playing the stupid game of LIFE... ugh, man i hate that game. I love how the way you win at life is by making a lot of money. Geeze...

Recollection of Homecoming Anarchy
Homecoming was last weekend which was actually a lot of fun [since i actually had friends to go with this year, Ha!]. I had a great time: Saw a lot of people, met a few people, had fun, etc. I remember the shitty carnival rides, singing that Smashmouth song Hey Now You're A Rock Star on stage, pieing friends, and watching a spider almost land on someone's head. It was all crazy fun.

Us on stage like a crowd of drunk people.

The day after we had the homecoming dance at some club in hollywood. I, of course, did not go and decided to go to anti-homecoming which was hanging out with mat-them at Claim Jumpers and having a fun party [drama free] back at the house. It was rather funny because everyone who came back seemed to have a not-so-great time and drama. All of this was terrible for my diet plan which is barely holding up :[

Weekly Physical
This week has been a normal sleepless one. Which is bad because the weather is shit, and everyone is catching colds. My musical creativity has been lacking along with my guitar playing. I'm slowly getting treble clef though! Wooo...

Man, i've been really wanting to get out of TO recently. Just to get a change of scenery. Argh, but no one wants to do anything. I hate it.



Anela Marie said...

looks like tons of fun (^_^)

i'm selling my plane ticket to america and buying a sheep farm. i've decided i'm staying here forever.

ahhh. i visited a creek today. and i blew a few dandelions (^_^) but i got pricked by all of the thistles. we're dancing in spring here...