Styrofoam Castle

I am Stupid:
So while perfecting my awesome quesadilla skills, i decided to grill a piece of chicken on my roommate's George Foreman (which is probably the tackiest cooking tool you can find in a kitchen).

I am REALLY Stupid:
Anyway so my George Foreman spider sense started to tingle which meant my chicken was about done grilling, so i grabbed my fork and steak knife (holding the pointy side down like my mom told me to) and made my way to my sizzling masterpiece. So here was the plan: I was going to lift the cover (shown in the left image) and make an incision to see if it had cooked all the way through. As i lifted the cover, a bit of steam began to rise and burn my hand. Freeze frame: So in this hand that is currently being cooked from the steam, i have my plastic fork and steak knife. Resume: so instinctively i jolt my hand back away from the evil grill towards my rib cage, knife in hand. So needless to say i poked my torso with a very pointy steak knife and in general almost Harikiri-ed myself while making a quesadilla. End story.

College Cookbook Journal Time:

So aside from that episode i've been cooking fairly awesome jack cheese, onion, and fucking grilled chicken quesadillas. Not very hard, but all the more reason to perfect the art. I also made tuna burgers again for my roommate and I. I've got some pictures, but trust me (like all hawaii food) it tastes WAY better than it looks.

[my over enthusiastic roommate]

The G4 Intern:
My internship at this small branding boutique has been going very well so far. I've been getting a lot of great oppertunities to work and collaborate on real projects and my design skills have been progressing steadily. I've recently been working on a layout for this client who wants a redesign for his dj website which is a great oppertunity to have full reign over the complete design. When the site is launched i'll post a link, but it probably wont be for awhile.

I'm still battling with stress and fatigue (due to lack of sleep), and i've been freaking out because my weight is increasing :[ So in response i'm cutting back on food and excersisising as much as i can.

I'm sort of not that involved/interested in my classes: it is wierd because i'm going to school to be at the work place that i'm at now so my priorities are a bit skewed. I have become really interested in my drawing class. My sketches arn't anything magnificent but its nice to find something new you can do. Maybe i'll post some scans later in the semester.

ugh its 4:30 and i better get to sleep.