Love & Drugs

Girl || Boy
Imperfect haikus between a girl and a boy, drunk in a park.

In the quiet space
between your lips and mine
nothing and everything

Should my lips meet yours
in perfect dreams, I'll find
our world set a blaze

The bright explosions
if only we could always stay
here in the fireworks

The city and stars
fire in my eyes and heart
burning forever

I'm stolen in heat
consumed by dreams of you
our city-side fire

I am stranded in
the infinity of your ocean
Braver than I was

Stranded together
an indefinite dream
would you stay with me?

Hands scarred with fate lines
running close and parallel
infinite, endless

Changing winds turn tides
Fates align-where will we go
in a daring storm?

Timelines, Time Lapses, & Timezones
You're not with me right now, and that's ok. I'm still recovering from the jet lag, the disorientation of being half in a drunken stupor and half in the chill of reality. Dazed and lazy, sick and drugged, it's taking me longer than I thought to get over this all, to put it all in the back of my mind and wait. I'm very much afraid I've fallen a bit too hard, for maybe I've broken something.