Pour Out The Water

I had a dream that my dad died last and everyone knew it but me. This plot coming from a third person perspective of course. My nonchalant reaction is was creeped me out the most. I felt dazed and my body felt heavy, but no inkling to cry.

Patternless Wallpaper
The transition from summer to the start of fall semester has been a running start. Classes parties, work, and friends have completely absorbed every ounce of time that i have. I admit that my priorities have been a bit skewed. I want this year to be the one that encapsulates my youth as a college student. When i think back to my college years i want my thoughts to be flooded with memories and photos of a worry-less, spontaneous point in my life that encapsulated the beauty of being free.

The Fated Leaves of Fall
If i was 40, with kids, family, and a job, what would i wish i could've done when i was younger? I'll come back to that.

What do you wish you did when you were in high school?
I wish i had made more friends, talked to more people, and lived a lot more.
I wish i played less video games and watched less television.
Less time on the phone, more time talking to people in person.
I wish i wasn't so self-conscious and
I wished i didn't stress over classwork as much as i did.

So now i'm imagining i'm 40 and tied down somewhat with a job and family...
I wish i traveled more,
I wish i appreciated those special moments of doing crazy things.
I wish i took in the atmosphere of being surrounded by friends.

I'll take my time being me.

The Intersection

So we couldn’t work out. Love without trust isn’t love at all. Pain subsides and the trees will grow effortlessly. When we stopped talking and separated she made that sharp right out of a future involving ‘us’. I’m sure we both felt the tear as our paths bent away.

As I separate what’s left of the things in our room, I feel reluctant to keep the things we held together. I’m reluctant to think about the things that held us together. I’m sure this bitterness will fade if I continue to concentrate on the facts and faults of the relationship. Its too bad there is no comfort or warmth when trying to get closure out of these things.

But logical optimism can reform this loss into something positive right? I can expect newer and better things like a relationship free of distrust and immaturity. Once traffic starts to move regularly again I can get out of this intersection and hopefully collide into something nice. Perhaps new friends and a solid career path!

Chemical Colors
It was a great weekend despite the preface. A great movie, a trip to SB and a party involving a comfortable crowd made this a great weekend to sound the warning that summer is fading out.

I saw the sunset yesterday in a Vons parking lot. It was the type of sky that ignited the clouds. The smoke from the California fires filtered the sunlight and left a warm glowing sphere suspended in a violet red orange landscape. I froze my ass off in that parking lot.